Newsletter: Overcome Fear, Shame, and Doubt Using the Map of Consciousness

Overcome Fear, Shame, and Doubt Using the Map of Consciousness

In this weeks newsletter lets discuss David Hawkins’ Scale of Emotions which is also known as the Map of Consciousness. It is a tool that categorizes human emotions and consciousness levels on a scale from 0 to 1000. The scale ranges from low-frequency, energy-draining emotions to high-frequency, empowering emotions.

Understanding the Scale

The scale can be simplified into three main categories:

  1. Low-Frequency Emotions: Shame, guilt, grief, fear, anger
  2. Neutral Emotions: Pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance
  3. High-Frequency Emotions: Reason, love, joy, peace

Here is Dr. David Hawkins’ map of consciousness, or what I call the scale of emotions:

EmotionLevel of Consciousness

Using the Scale to Address Doubt, Fear, and Shame

Shame is at the very bottom and doubt along with fear and just a few steps higher. I would probably link doubt with apathy, since doubt isn’t directly depicted on the map of consciousness. To move from lower to higher emotional states and address doubt, fear, and shame, you can use Hawkins’ Letting Go Technique which he teaches in great detail in his book Letting Go:

  1. Recognize the Emotion: Identify what emotion you’re feeling without judgment. Become aware of your emotion without judgment while acknowledging its presence and accept that you’re experiencing it.
  2. Sit with the Emotion: Spend 1-10 minutes quietly reflecting on the feeling. Allow yourself to experience the emotion without resistance. Focus on the physical sensations in your body associated with the emotion.
  3. Feel the Emotion Fully: Allow yourself to experience the emotion without resistance. Don’t try to modify, resist, or change the emotion. Simply let it be present without fighting against it
  4. Release the Emotion: Imagine letting go of the feeling like releasing a balloon. This may involve crying, physical movement, or other forms of emotional release
  5. Ask: “Would I Let This Go?”: This question helps challenge your attachment to the emotion. Be honest with yourself about your willingness to release it.

The Letting Go Technique, developed by David Hawkins, is a powerful method for overcoming fear, doubt, and shame and other negative emotions.

Remember, this technique is about retraining your brain to recognize that you’re safe even when you feel uncomfortable. With consistent practice, you’ll likely find it easier to release fear as it arises, leading to a greater sense of emotional freedom and well-being.

Additional Strategies

  1. Self-Analysis: Ask yourself questions like “What am I ashamed of?” or “What are my greatest fears?” to identify emotional pockets.
  2. Practice Acceptance: Work on accepting your current emotional state as a step towards moving up the scale.
  3. Focus on Higher Emotions: Cultivate emotions like courage, acceptance, and love to counterbalance lower-frequency emotions.
  4. Spiritual Practices: Engage in meditation, prayer, or contemplation to gain perspective and move beyond shame and fear.
  5. Consistency: Practice the Letting Go Technique regularly to build emotional resilience and gradually shift your consciousness to higher levels.

Remember, while the technique is simple, it requires patience and practice. By consistently working with this scale and technique, you can elevate your emotional state and reduce negative thought patterns associated with doubt, fear, and shame.

You may want to dig deeper into this subject by reading Dr. Hawkins’ book: The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential.

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