How to Talk to a Control Freak
Understanding the dynamics of dealing with control freaks will allow for better communication strategies. By recognizing the tactics used by control freaks, anyone can communicate with them.
How to Beat Procrastination and Save 21 Hours a Week
The importance of having clear goals, seeing a pathway to achievement, and recognizing the consequences of inaction are key epiphanies to beating procrastination. In this article I present practical strategies to foster the right motivation that drives action.
Why the Keto Diet Doesn’t Prioritize Sustainable Health
The ketogenic approach emphasizes high fat usage, moderate protein intake, and very low carbohydrate consumption. Glucose from carbohydrates is the default and preferred fuel for the human brain. The human body uses the state of ketosis for two reasons: (1) we are very sick and can’t eat much, and/or (2) we are starving.
What Favorite Film Genres Reveal About Your Brain
Your favorite film genre can tell a lot about how your brain reacts to different emotions. Negative emotions like anger and fear often play significant roles in films, making them essential for understanding emotional processing in our brains. Until recently, the link between film choices and how we respond to negative emotions was not well-explored.
Who is Magellan and How Did He Affect Our Lives Today?
Our daily battles are miniscule compared to Magellan’s. Ferdinand Magellan faced numerous challenges and battles throughout his expedition to circumnavigate the globe. These battles were not only physical but also logistical, political, and interpersonal.
Going from the Prison of Self to the Joy of Commitment
David Brooks’ book, “The Second Mountain,” encourages readers to shift their focus from personal gain to deeper commitments that can lead to a more joyful life.
Eat The Nutrient-Rich Grain Barley to Lose Weight
Barley is low in calories and high in fiber, helping you feel full longer and reducing overall calorie intake. Barley is rich in soluble fiber, which slows down digestion and makes you feel fuller for longer.