How To Create A Digital Career You Enjoy

How To Create A Digital Career You Enjoy

If you’re looking to achieve greatness, the key might just be obsession. I learned this lesson in childhood by always on the lookout for a better way of living. By paying close attention to people’s actions, I was able to discern what led them to their current state in life. Through eventually having enough data from observation, I gained the ability to question the status quo and pursue entrepreneurship as a natural progression.

The entrepreneurial mindset is all about pushing into the unknown and taking risks to discover new knowledge, tools, and potentials. It’s a path of uncertainty that requires learning skills not taught in schools, being okay with failure and rejection, and pushing until you strike gold. In contrast, a 9-to-5 job can breed complacency and be dangerous for your psyche. This article will explore the power of obsession and the dangers of employment, and why entrepreneurship might be the only logical option for long-term thinkers.

Key Takeaways

  • Obsession might just be the key to achieving greatness.
  • The entrepreneurial mindset requires pushing into the unknown and taking risks.
  • A 9-to-5 job can breed complacency and be dangerous for your psyche.

The Power of Obsession

Curiosity and Discovery

Obsession can be a powerful tool for personal growth and success. By exposing yourself to new experiences and allowing your curiosity to guide you, you can go down a rabbit hole of discovery. This can lead you to find something that you are truly passionate about, something that you can’t pull yourself away from.

As a child, I was obsessed with finding a better way of living. Everywhere they went, they paid close attention to people’s actions, not in a judgmental way, but in a discerning way. They observed people’s actions and saw where it led them in life. By gathering enough data from observation, they were able to discern what actions would lead to a life they wanted to live and what actions would not.

This type of curiosity and obsession can lead to personal growth and discovery. By constantly seeking out new experiences and learning from them, you can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Sustainable Obsession

While obsession can be a powerful tool, it’s important to make it a sustainable part of your life. Once you find something you’re passionate about, it’s important to work to make it a sustainable part of your life.

I believe getting a 9 to 5 job can be necessary for a time yet in the long term it can be dangerous because it can breed complacency and create bad mental programs and self talk for your psyche. Instead, I suggest pursuing entrepreneurship as a more fulfilling path. Entrepreneurship allows you to encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life because it’s not just a static, comfortable routine. There are highs and lows, and you’re forced to evolve in an ever-changing marketplace. You’re also able to continue the creative path we as humans are born with. We’re either growing or dying.

Obsession can be sustainable if it leads to personal growth and fulfillment. By pursuing something you’re passionate about, you can find purpose and fulfillment in your life. However, it’s important to balance your obsession with other aspects of your life, such as relationships and self-care.

In conclusion, obsession can be a powerful tool for personal growth and success if done in a sustainable way. By allowing your curiosity to guide you and constantly seeking out new experiences, you can discover something you’re truly passionate about. However, it’s important to balance your obsession with other aspects of your life to ensure long-term fulfillment.

Questioning the Status Quo

Conscious and Unconscious Goals

Have you ever observed people’s actions and wondered what they are pursuing? It seems like every action is toward a conscious or unconscious goal, yet many people are eager to be overweight, unhealthy, overworked, and broke. They don’t have self-generated goals that shape their decision-making. Instead, they follow the status quo and end up with a life that they may not even want.

By questioning and observing people’s actions, you can discern if you want the life they have or not. You can see where their actions lead them in life and determine if that’s the direction you want to take. For instance, if you see someone with an unhealthy lifestyle, you can ask yourself if you want to follow their footsteps or not.

Lifestyle Observations

People’s lifestyle choices can reveal a lot about their conscious and unconscious goals. For example, if you see someone picking up a 1,000 calorie dessert drink for breakfast with a sandwich that leaked grease from its wrapper, you can infer that health is not their priority. Similarly, if someone goes to the same job that clearly causes them immense suffering, you can question why they don’t see the opportunities around them.

Many people get stuck in a 9-to-5 job and never pursue something more. They become complacent and bored, losing purpose and fulfillment. Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is the path of uncertainty that requires learning new skills, taking risks, and pushing into the unknown. It helps your psyche encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life because it’s not just a static, boring, and comfortable routine.

In conclusion, questioning the status quo can help you discern whether you want to follow the footsteps of others or forge your own path. Observing people’s actions and lifestyle choices can reveal a lot about their conscious and unconscious goals. Pursuing entrepreneurship can help you encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life.

Entrepreneurship as a Natural Progression

The Intersection of Employment and Entrepreneurship

Many people believe that getting a 9-to-5 job is the only way to succeed in life. However, this belief can lead to complacency and a lack of fulfillment. While a job provides a steady income, it can also limit personal growth and development.

Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is the natural progression for those seeking meaningful and fulfilling events in life. It allows individuals to encounter new challenges and pursue personal evolution. Entrepreneurship also provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment that cannot be found in a traditional job.

Challenges and Fulfillment in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not without its challenges. It requires individuals to learn skills that are not taught in schools, be okay with failure and rejection, and push through slow progress. However, these challenges are what make the journey worthwhile.

As an entrepreneur, you are required to hunt for your survival by gathering knowledge, creating a valuable product, and putting it in front of people who could benefit from it. This process requires you to take risks, push into the unknown, and discover new knowledge, tools, and potentials that raise dopamine levels in the brain.

In contrast, a job with set tasks doesn’t allow for personal growth and development. You get stuck in the Eternal known, where you can’t make new discoveries and get bored, depressed, and see life as meaningless. The only dopamine you get is from superficial sources, and you never take risks or push into the unknown.

In conclusion, entrepreneurship is the only logical option for long-term thinkers. It provides a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and personal growth that cannot be found in a traditional job. While it may be challenging, the rewards are worth the effort. Don’t become a monkey in a cubicle, push yourself to pursue entrepreneurship and discover the potential within yourself.

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The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Learning and Adaptation

To become a successful entrepreneur, you must have an obsessive mindset that drives you to seek out new experiences and learn from them. This means exposing yourself to more experiences and letting curiosity lead you down a rabbit hole of discovery. Once you find something you can’t pull yourself away from, work to make it a sustainable part of your life.

Learning and adaptation are key components of the entrepreneurial mindset. You must be willing to pay close attention to people’s actions and observe where it leads them in life. By doing so, you can discern whether certain actions will lead to the life you want to live or not. This involves questioning how and why people pursue certain things, and whether their actions align with their conscious or unconscious goals.

As an entrepreneur, you must be willing to push into the unknown and take risks. This requires learning skills that aren’t taught in schools and being okay with failure, rejection, and slow progress. You must also be willing to learn from your mistakes, show up again tomorrow, and push until you strike gold.

Hunting for Survival

Entrepreneurship is the path of uncertainty, and you must be wired to hunt for your survival. This involves gathering knowledge, creating a valuable product, and putting it in front of people who could benefit from it. As an entrepreneur, you must be constantly adapting to an ever-changing marketplace and be okay with the highs and lows of revenue and growth.

In contrast, a 9 to 5 job breeds complacency and is dangerous for your psyche. If you stay in a job for too long without pursuing something more, you lose purpose and fulfillment. You become like a monkey in a cubicle, trapped in the Eternal known and unable to make new discoveries. This can lead to boredom, depression, and a sense of meaninglessness.

To avoid this, you must embrace the entrepreneurial mindset and hunt for your survival. This means taking risks, pushing into the unknown, and discovering new knowledge, tools, and potentials that raise dopamine levels in the brain. By doing so, you can create your own career and reap the rewards of being a long-term thinker.


In conclusion, the key to greatness is obsession. By exposing yourself to more experiences and letting curiosity guide you down the rabbit hole of discovery, you can find the thing that you can’t pull yourself away from and work to make it a sustainable part of your life. It is important to shift from judgment to discernment in observing people’s actions and see where it leads them in life. It is also crucial to have self-generated goals that shape your decision-making and lead to more money and time.

The danger of employment goes far beyond just filling your plate with never-ending responsibilities, a mortgage, spouse, and kids before having the financial capability to truly dedicate your time and energy to those things. Employment can breed complacency and be dangerous for your psyche. It is crucial to pursue further challenges and increase your skill set to encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life.

Entrepreneurship is the only logical option for long-term thinkers as it helps you encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life. It requires you to learn skills that aren’t taught in schools, be okay with failure, rejection, and slow progress, and learn from your mistakes. By pushing into the unknown and discovering new knowledge, tools, and potentials, you can raise dopamine levels in the brain and find purpose and fulfillment in life.

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