Category: Mindset and Motivation
The Happy Brain Chemicals, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphin
Each happy chemical has a special job to do. Too much of one can interfere with others, putting us out of balance emotionally. Once you understand how to control them your life will change.
The Blueprint for Changing State to Win Every Time
We aren’t one way all the time. We are a mirror of the psychological states we’re living in. Our brain processes information differently depending on the state we’re in.
Understand These Two Neurotransmitters to Live a Happy Life
There’s the suffix holic after every one of these things shopaholic, alcoholic, sexaholic, chocoholic, etc., but there’s no such thing as being addicted to too much happiness.
How to Make Good Decisions in Conditions of Uncertainty
If you you can learn how to make good decisions in conditions of uncertainty, then you can catapult your business and lifestyle significantly.
Get Better by Learning To Run Your Brain
If we can learn how to better manage this hormone in our body then we can run our brain better and get more production out of our day, while feeling better at the same time. This is the most valuable skill you can gain.
The 7 Types Of Love You Need To Understand To Be Happy
By preoccupying ourselves with romantic love, we risk neglecting other types of love that are more stable or readily available in our lives, and could, especially in the broader sense of life, prove more healing and fulfilling. This is a shocker for some and could strike a nerve.
10 Tips for Students to Better Manage School and Life
Using this system I’m about to outline helped me get through this massive amount of stress and dedicate myself to achieving all of my goals.