Category: Mindset and Motivation

  • Start With “Why” To Be a Superb Leader

    Start With “Why” To Be a Superb Leader

    “Why,” is about the purpose or belief behind an action or organization. It’s the core reason that motivates everything else. The next layer, “How,” describes the process or values that set them apart. Finally, the outer circle, “What,” defines what they do or offer, like products or services.

  • Use The Culture Code To Build Team Success

    Use The Culture Code To Build Team Success

    Culture is the invisible glue that holds a team together. It shapes how members interact, make decisions, and solve problems. A strong culture encourages open communication, mutual respect, and shared values. When culture is prioritized, teams become more collaborative and innovative.

  • Run Your Brain by Mastering Mental State Shifts

    Run Your Brain by Mastering Mental State Shifts

    Learning to change your mental state can transform your everyday experiences. By understanding David Hawkins’ Levels of Consciousness, you can actively shift your perception and improve your mindset. This knowledge helps you recognize where you currently stand and how to elevate your consciousness.

  • How to Create Systems in Your Life and Business

    How to Create Systems in Your Life and Business

    Creating systems in your life can lead to greater success than merely setting goals. In this article you will learn about practical steps to develop these systems that bring about real changes. With a simple pen and paper, or digital notepad, you can start to reflect on your current situation and clarify your dreams. Instead…

  • How Letting Go Can Add Security to Romantic Love

    How Letting Go Can Add Security to Romantic Love

    This concept doesn’t only apply to romantic love or partnerships—it’s about how you relate to life itself. It boils down to learning to obtain a healthy self-love. Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care; it means you’re confident enough to let things unfold naturally.

  • Viktor Frankl’s Meaning of Self-Actualization via Exploring Creative, Experiential, and Attitudinal Aspects

    Viktor Frankl’s Meaning of Self-Actualization via Exploring Creative, Experiential, and Attitudinal Aspects

    Self-actualization is not to be sought after directly. It will fall into your lap if you know how to direct thoughts in the proper fashion toward creativity, experiences, and attitude.

  • Newsletter: How to Boost Enjoyment With a Dopamine Diet

    Newsletter: How to Boost Enjoyment With a Dopamine Diet

    If you sometimes struggle to focus on tasks and find it difficult to resist the temptation of distractions, then the dopamine diet/detox may be worth looking into.

  • How To Let Go Using 3 Easy Steps

    How To Let Go Using 3 Easy Steps

    The essence of letting go revolves around releasing built-up layers of repressed emotions and feelings. Often, we misunderstand the relationship between our core emotions and our thoughts. Addressing only the symptoms, like fear or anger, without tackling the root cause, keeps us stuck. Letting go is not about pushing feelings away but embracing and releasing…

  • Why All Problems are Interpersonal Relationship Problems

    Why All Problems are Interpersonal Relationship Problems

    Key concepts include inferiority/superiority complexes; memories and dreams; love marriage and children; and sexuality and sexual problems. Alfred Adler’s holistic personality-based approach to psychology continues to be relevant today to everyone.