AI Apps Making $20,000 per month with 1 person teams

AI Apps Making $20,000 per month with 1 person teams

The landscape of artificial intelligence is transitioning rapidly, with a noteworthy shift from the initial buzz of potential to practical, real-world applications. As 2023 concludes, enthusiasm surrounding AI capabilities has begun evolving into concrete implementations, driving significant economic and technological advancements. Individuals and businesses alike are arising as pioneers in leveraging AI, crafting business ventures that thrive with minimal human intervention. Such entrepreneurial stories exemplify a new wave where coding skills, once deemed essential, are no longer an absolute prerequisite for tech innovation. This paradigm shift is propelled forward by no-code platforms and AI advancements that democratize the tech landscape, allowing creators to launch lucrative businesses with sophisticated AI integration.

An emerging trend presents a breed of businesses that cleverly wrap around established AI APIs, offering niche solutions that outperform broad-market options. This targeted approach has proved to be a goldmine for some, overcoming challenges posed by the dynamic nature of the AI space. Success stories range from specialized bots easing spreadsheet complexities to innovative platforms transforming digital images through AI, highlighting the multiplicity of profitable use cases. Furthermore, these developments underscore a broader realization: a vast population remains outside the AI expertise bubble, representing a significant market for simplified, user-friendly AI applications. As we look toward a future where ease of use and accessibility are paramount, the personalization of AI to resolve specific challenges reigns supreme, heralding a new era of tech-enabled entrepreneurship.

Key Takeaways

  • The transition from AI hype to deployment marks a significant economic shift toward practical AI applications.
  • The importance of coding skills is diminishing as no-code platforms and AI advancements emerge.
  • Niche AI businesses are carving out profitable spaces by offering specialized solutions to complex problems.

Goldman Sachs Forecasts

Goldman Sachs has recently provided insights, suggesting that the transition of AI from a state of anticipation to real-world application is set to occur around 2024. The financial institution has noted that 2023 was predominantly a period of heightened interest and theoretical possibilities regarding AI capabilities. Now, a shift towards tangible deployments and meaningful investments in AI-driven projects is beginning to take shape.

Significant emphasis is being placed on creating autonomous AI entities capable of generating revenue and managing customer services. These AI entities are not just theoretical constructs but are leading to the inception of substantial businesses. Businesses generating revenues ranging from $200,000 to figures close to $8 million annually are now operational with minimal human oversight. Such businesses often operate with a singular founder who relies on AI for the bulk of operational tasks.

AI’s continuing evolution is poised to lessen the importance of coding skills for entrepreneurs. AI models, particularly open-source ones, are improving at a remarkable rate. The implication is that in the near future, entrepreneurs may not need to write a single line of code, although acquiring new skill sets will remain essential.

Ben Tossel’s contributions to the no-code movement, prior to the AI revolution, showcase what can be achieved without traditional coding knowledge. Having developed over a hundred products without traditional coding and successfully selling a tech startup to Zapier, Tossel continues to be an influential figure in the field.

He also highlights a trend known as “AI wrappers,” which involves creating interfaces around existing AI APIs to tailor specific solutions. However, these ventures come with inherent risks, as advancements from primary AI developers like OpenAI have the potential to undermine niche market applications. This volatile landscape hasn’t deterred entrepreneurs from finding success by addressing specific problems that broader-market solutions don’t cater to as effectively.

One such successful venture is Formula Bot, which simplifies the process of finding and implementing Excel formulas. Initially a no-cost service, the application capitalized on no-code platforms such as to develop a user-friendly solution that resonated with users across various social platforms, leading to revenues of $300,000 per annum.

Another example is Photo AI by Peter Levels. It offers a service that transforms selfies into AI-generated avatars, without the need for a camera. Although one might assume technological savviness is common, there remains a significant demographic that prefers streamlined, easy-to-use solutions for their specific needs.

These business models resonate with the early days when Google Maps was a novelty; entrepreneurs offered simple business listing services on the platform and went on to provide additional services, such as monthly SEO packages. Similarly, today’s entrepreneurs are leveraging AI’s potential to offer bespoke solutions, creating sustainable and lucrative businesses in the process.

From Enthusiasm to Practical Application in Artificial Intelligence

In the past year, financial industry leaders such as Goldman Sachs have accurately anticipated the evolution of the AI sector. They forecasted the shift from mere excitement about AI’s potential to its tangible implementation in businesses. Indeed, 2024 is likely to witness this transition, as organizations start to allocate substantial investments towards functional applications of AI.

The burgeoning of AI has been discussed earlier, highlighting the optimistic, speculative phase — with demonstrations of AI’s capabilities fueling intrigue. However, a pivoting point is on the horizon, with concrete projects and financial engagement emerging prominently in the landscape.

To illustrate, the concept of autonomous AI agents was introduced, envisioning a scenario where such agents manage business activities, including generating revenue and catering to customer needs. Substantial income-generating ventures, ranging from $200,000 to nearly $8 million annually, have capitalized on AI’s power with minimal human oversight.

Interestingly, it is observed that programming proficiency may no longer be crucial due to AI’s rapid advancement in software creation. While new skill sets will be necessary, actual code-writing could become optional for many business operations.

Highlighting the case of Ben Tossel, a forerunner in the no-code movement, it’s notable that he has successfully founded and sold a tech startup to Zapier. This achievement, along with his valuable insights shared through an influential AI newsletter, underscores the potential for technical innovation without traditional coding expertise.

Tossel’s contributions also extend to shedding light on businesses leveraging AI ‘wrappers’, which are applications designed around existing AI service APIs. He identifies niche ventures offering tailored solutions that outperform broader market offerings as particularly successful. Such knowledge provides an invaluable perspective on the strategic development of AI-based businesses.

Despite the risks associated with dependency on AI platforms, as seen when existing projects struggle following new feature releases by companies like OpenAI, some businesses flourish by serving specific market demands. Tossel cites the example of Formula Bot, a no-code solution that began as a simple, free tool and, through smart marketing strategies, scaled to a revenue of $300,000 per year.

Another instance is Photo AI, which offers an effortless solution for creating AI-generated images without the complexities of mastering the AI tools themselves. This illustrates a market gap where ease-of-use is the value proposition, simplifying technology to cater to those who seek convenience.

In reflection, the AI sector’s trajectory shows a clear movement from theoretical enthusiasm to practical, profitable implementations. This evolution encompasses entrepreneurs who bring solutions to market challenges by integrating AI in user-friendly and innovative ways.

Crafting Self-Sufficient AI Systems

The finance industry has recognized the directional shift within the AI sector, acknowledging the transition from fervent anticipation to practical deployment. Historically, 2023 was framed as an era of potential, showcasing what AI might achieve. Now, the focus is swiftly changing to tangible applications and real-world economic engagement.

Emphasizing the reduced necessity for traditional coding skills, advancements in AI have led to the development of software creation tools that are breaking new grounds. AI’s capacity to generate code has surpassed expectations, suggesting a future where manual coding could become less critical. Nevertheless, acquiring new skills remains an essential part of leveraging AI technologies.

A prime example of AI’s capabilities is detailed through the success story of Ben Tossel, a forefront innovator in the no-code movement. Prior to the rise of advanced AI, Tossel distinguished himself by creating over a hundred products without conventional coding. His no-code expertise, combined with AI tools, facilitated the sale of his tech startup to a prominent integration and automation platform, Zapier.

Ben Tossel’s Contributions:

  • Founded Ben’s Bites, a rapidly growing AI newsletter.
  • Sold a tech startup to Zapier.
  • Developed over 100 products via no-code approaches.

The discourse around AI agents, particularly those in the business realm, has shifted to how they are now spearheading single-founder companies, achieving remarkable annual revenues ranging from $200,000 to nearly $8 million. AI’s pivotal role in these enterprises significantly alleviates the workload on human founders.

Robust AI Business Implementations:

  • Formula Bot: Utilizes AI to simplify complex formula generation in spreadsheets. Originating as a no-cost tool, it gained traction on social media and used no-code platforms like The product rapidly evolved, amassing $300,000 annually through strategic influencer marketing and minimal operational maintenance.
  • Photo AI: Spearheaded by Peter Levels, enables users to transform selfies into stylized AI-generated images. This service caters to users seeking quick, hassle-free solutions rather than mastering complex AI tools themselves.

These cases underscore the commercial viability of niche-focused AI applications, even amid larger companies releasing competitive, often free, technologies. Succeeding in this volatile landscape requires pinpointing specialized issues and delivering solutions that outperform broader market offerings.

In the entrepreneurial space, AI wrappers—small applications built around larger AI systems—have gained traction by offering specialized functionalities. The continued appeal of these AI-driven businesses reflects a growing landscape where the ability to innovate and meet specific customer needs reigns supreme.

Coding Skills: Less Critical for Technological Success?

With major financial institutions acknowledging the evolving landscape in artificial intelligence, a noteworthy transformation is underway. The excitement of potential AI applications is making way for actual deployment and tangible outcomes. Specifically, this year marked a transition from the theoretical to the concrete, with the spotlight on real-world implementations.

Evidence suggests that coding abilities, once considered indispensable, might be taking a backseat as AI progresses, particularly in software development. Present-day AI models have already surpassed expectations in automating coding tasks, a trend likely to continue. As a result, the necessity for individuals to manually write code is rapidly diminishing.

One interesting case is Ben Tossel of Ben’s Bites, a rapidly growing AI newsletter, who also founded and sold a tech startup to Zapier. Tossel is celebrated as an early adopter of no-code solutions, having created over 100 products without traditional coding, pre-dating the AI advancements seen today.

The rise of AI “wrappers,” businesses built around AI APIs, is also significant. These applications leverage the AI’s core functionality but are designed to cater to specific niche problems, thus delivering superior solutions than broad-market options. Here’s a concise rundown of some businesses flourishing in this emerging field:

  • Formula Bot: This service, developed with a no-code platform called, assists users in generating complex Excel formulas. Starting on a shoestring and leveraging platforms like Reddit and TikTok for visibility, it has grown from a simple free tool to a $300,000 per year enterprise.
  • Photo AI by Peter Levels: An app that transforms selfies into stylized AI characters, offering users convenience and creative options without the complexities of handling AI software directly.

The future indicates that while new skills related to AI utilization will be essential, the traditional coding might be far less necessary. This paradigm shift is paving the way for businesses, even those initiated by solo entrepreneurs, to prosper by integrating AI-driven solutions without the need for extensive coding expertise.

Achievements in AI Entrepreneurship by Ben Tossel

Ben Tossel’s journey in technology entrepreneurship showcases a notable example of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) in the creation and operation of his newsletter platform, which he named “Ben’s Bytes AI.” The platform witnessed marked growth this year, demonstrating an impressive trajectory in the AI information dissemination field.

Noteworthy Milestones:

  • Rapid Subscriber Growth: Tossel’s newsletter saw considerable escalation in subscriptions, affirming its position as a leading source for AI-related content.
  • Sale of Tech Startup: He founded and subsequently sold a tech startup to Zapier, cementing his reputation for innovative technology ventures.

No-Code Product Development:

  • Prior Building Experience: Before AI-assisted development became mainstream, Tossel developed over 100 products without writing traditional code, indicating a pioneering role in the “no-code” movement.

Innovative Uses of Autonomous AI Agents:

  • Revenue Generation: Tossel’s concept involves an autonomous AI that sustains a business by handling functions like generating revenue, customer service, and developing custom solutions.
  • Significant Revenue Figures: He cited cases of businesses solely operated by founders generating between $200,000 and $8 million annually, utilizing AI for operational tasks.

Tossel’s perspective on the evolving role of AI in product development suggests that coding skills may become less essential due to the advancements in AI’s ability to undertake software creation tasks. This shift could indicate a future environment where individuals can generate impactful technology solutions with minimal coding expertise.

Building Successful AI-Enhanced Businesses:

A discussion on businesses capitalizing on AI focuses on entities known as “AI wrappers” which encompass applications leveraging APIs of larger AI platforms. Despite the competitive challenges when large platforms release similar solutions, Tossel highlights the following businesses as profitable ventures:

  • Formula Bot: An application assisting with complex Excel formulas, it gained traction on forums and utilized no-code tools like
  • Photo AI: Founded by Peter Levels, this service transforms selfies into AI-generated characters without physical photography.

These platforms, with their niche appeal and ability to serve specific customer needs, accentuate the potential of distinct AI implementations to thrive within a competitive ecosystem.

No-Code Movement and Artificial Intelligence Integration

Goldman Sachs has been accurately predicting trends within the artificial intelligence sector, as evidenced by their reports and articles. Confirming their foresight, they’ve suggested that the year 2024 will likely see a shift from AI conceptualization to tangible implementation. Recognizing that 2023 was marked by AI anticipation, we are now observing a transition toward actual applications and financial investment in AI-fueled endeavors.

Just months ago, I discussed the potential of creating independent AI entities capable of autonomously conducting business operations. Consider a scenario where one awakens to a self-sufficient AI agent that not only generates revenue but also manages customer service and tailors unique solutions, potentially running an entire business. Concrete examples of solo entrepreneurs establishing six-figure ventures, with revenues ranging from $200,000 to nearly $8 million annually, demonstrate that AI can shoulder significant business responsibilities.

Initially, the ability to program was deemed critical; however, advancements in AI have begun to challenge this notion. With open-source models improving coding capabilities, the necessity for traditional code-writing might diminish, though new skill sets will be required.

Ben Tossel: An early advocate of the no-code initiative, Tossel’s “Ben’s Bites” newsletter, a prominent source for AI updates, coupled with his tech enterprise, exemplifies the synergy between entrepreneurship and AI. Prior to AI advancements, Tossel had already created over a hundred products without writing a single line of code. This precedent emboldens those hesitant about coding, highlighting that technical mastery is not a prerequisite for innovation in the digital arena.

Focusing on AI wrappers, businesses harness the functionality of platforms such as OpenAI’s API to construct specialized applications. Despite the risks associated with relying on such platforms, niche services with superior problem-solving abilities compared to broader market offerings can thrive.

Case Studies:

  1. Formula Bot: Utilizing no-code tools like, which boasts over 3.3 million applications, the Formula Bot began as a basic solution to simplify complex Excel formulas. It attracted attention through social media, requiring minimal maintenance post-launch thanks to the underlying AI system. Engaging influencer endorsements and investing in marketing, the bot now generates $300,000 annually.
  2. Photo AI by Peter Levels is another illustration. Offering users the ability to transform their images into AI-generated artwork without a camera, Photo AI caters to those seeking straightforward, tailored solutions for personal usage. These applications capitalize on the layer of convenience they add, avoiding the necessity for end-users to directly interact with complex AI systems.

Entrepreneurs like Levels leverage their understanding of AI to provide accessible solutions, much like early Google Maps services did for businesses seeking online presence. These ventures can lead to ongoing services like search engine optimization, further expanding their profitability and utility.

The emergence of no-code tools and AI’s ongoing development are eroding former barriers, empowering individuals to innovate without in-depth coding knowledge. This technological democratization is poised to reshape how businesses operate, signaling a transformative era for entrepreneurship.

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