55 Small Business Ideas You Can Start Today pt1

55 Small Business Ideas You Can Start Today

Starting a business can be a dream come true for many people who wish to achieve total control over their professional destiny. However, the challenge for some is determining what type of business to run. If you are in need of profitable business ideas, you have come to the right place.

In this article, you will find a detailed breakdown of the first 26 of 55 small business ideas that can be started right now. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, these opportunities offer a range of options that require varying levels of experience and credentials. From becoming an influencer to starting a pet grooming business, there is something for everyone.

How to Determine the Best Small Business Idea for You

Considering Your Current Skill Set and Credentials

When deciding on a small business idea, it’s important to take stock of your current skill set and credentials. If you have a degree or specialized training in a particular field, it may be beneficial to leverage that expertise in your new venture. For example, if you have an accounting degree or a CPA license, starting your own accounting business could be a smart move. On the other hand, if you don’t have a degree, consider pursuing a business idea that doesn’t require one, or enrolling in a program to gain the necessary skills.

Deciding What You Want to Spend Your Professional Life Doing

Passion is key when it comes to starting a small business. Consider what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at. If you love cleaning and organizing, starting a cleaning service could be a great fit. If you have a knack for design, consider starting a graphic design or web development business. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about and willing to dedicate your time and energy to.

Determining How Many People You Want to Work With

Some small business ideas can be pursued solo, while others require a team. Consider how much management you’re comfortable with and how many people you want to work with. If you prefer working independently, consider starting a business that you can run solo, such as a freelance writing or consulting business. If you enjoy working with others, consider a business that requires a team, such as a catering or event planning company.

Considering Finances

Profit potential is an important factor to consider when choosing a small business idea. While some ideas may be more profitable than others, it’s important to choose a business that aligns with your financial goals. If you’re looking to make a significant income, consider a business with high profit potential, such as a software development company. If you’re looking for a side hustle or a business to keep you occupied in retirement, consider a lower-risk venture, such as a pet-sitting or home-based baking business.

By considering your current skill set and credentials, deciding what you want to spend your professional life doing, determining how many people you want to work with, and considering finances, you can choose the best small business idea for you. With the right idea and a solid plan, you can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a successful reality.

1. Accountant

To become an accountant, one may need experience, training or licensing. The services offered by an accountant can vary depending on the needs of the business. Some accountants may offer bookkeeping services for small businesses, while others may work on balance sheets, income statements, and other financial reports on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Tax accounting is also a specialization that can provide a significant amount of work for an accountant. Creating a flier to outline the services offered is a good way to attract potential clients.

2. Bicycle Repair

Bicycle repair is a service that can be offered all year round, especially if catering to serious road race riders who train through all types of weather. To attract customers, consider renting a storage unit to store people’s bicycles over the winter after completing a tune-up and any necessary repairs. Many road race riders work on their own bicycles, but many do not, making them potential customers for bicycle repair services. Setting up shop with Saturday hours can also attract enthusiasts who enjoy discussing all things cycling. Offering a variety of services, such as tune-ups, repairs, and customizations, can further increase business. Providing a clear pricing structure and turnaround time for repairs can also help establish trust with customers. Consider creating a website or social media presence to showcase services and attract potential customers.

Tips for Bicycle Repair
Rent a storage unit to store clients’ bicycles over the winter
Offer a variety of services, such as tune-ups, repairs, and customizations
Establish clear pricing and turnaround times for repairs
Consider creating a website or social media presence to showcase services

3. Boat Cleaning

Boats that are taken out of the water for repairs or storage will require a thorough cleaning of the hull. Additionally, it is a good opportunity to provide a comprehensive cleaning of the rest of the boat, including the decks, sleeping quarters, head, and holds. Those interested in providing boat cleaning services can approach homeowners with boats in their yards or market their services to marinas for contracted work. Relevant experience, training, or licensing may be required for this type of work. Offering boat cleaning services can be a lucrative business opportunity for those with the necessary skills and resources.

Some tips for effective boat cleaning include:

  • Using environmentally friendly cleaning products
  • Cleaning from top to bottom to avoid re-contaminating surfaces
  • Using specialized cleaning equipment, such as pressure washers and soft brushes
  • Properly disposing of any waste materials
  • Conducting regular inspections to identify any potential problems or areas that require extra attention.

By providing high-quality boat cleaning services, individuals can help to ensure that boats remain in top condition and are ready for use when needed.

4. Business Plan Service

This service offers a soup-to-nuts business plan, including market research, business plan narrative, and financial statements. The company plans its fee around the primary service that the client will want and offers the others as add-ons. Clients can receive an electronic file of their business plan and take it from there, or they can keep the business plan on file and have it tweaked whenever necessary. The company also has business plan samples to show clients, including their own. This service has expansion possibilities and is ideal for entrepreneurs who need assistance in creating a comprehensive business plan.

5. Ride-Sharing Driver

Becoming a ride-sharing driver is an excellent way to earn extra income during your free time. While it may not replace a full-time job, it can be a lucrative side hustle. According to Nerd Wallet, an average Uber driver needs to provide 60.21 rides per week to earn an annual income of $50,000. On the other hand, a Lyft driver would need to give 83.76 rides per week, and a Sidecar driver would need to provide 72.03 rides per week to earn the same amount. With a flexible schedule and the ability to work when you want, ride-sharing can be an attractive option for those looking to supplement their income.

6. Cleaning Service

Starting a cleaning service is an ideal small business idea for those who want to work flexible hours and have no prior experience. The business has the potential for expansion in various directions, including office cleaning, retail cleaning, restaurant cleaning, and house cleaning. Office cleaning can be focused on clients who require services during non-business hours. Retail businesses can be targeted by keeping clients in one or two blocks. Restaurants require daily thorough cleaning and can provide steady clients. House cleaning is also an option. Word of mouth is a powerful tool for marketing cleaning services, and it can save you a lot of money on advertising. Entrepreneur Press and Jacquelyn Lynn’s book “Start Your Own Cleaning Service” provides valuable insights for those interested in starting a cleaning service.

7. Children’s Party Planner

Starting a children’s party planning business can be a lucrative venture as the industry is worth millions of dollars. The average American spends $500 per party, making it a profitable market to tap into. The book “Start Your Own Kid-Focused Business” provides a comprehensive guide on everything one needs to know to launch a successful children’s party planning business. This includes information on insurance costs, food and beverage selection, and arranging unforgettable entertainment to ensure happy customers and plenty of referrals. No prior experience is needed to start this business.

8. Consultant

Consultants are individuals who possess expertise in a particular field and provide advice to others seeking to work in that area. They use their experience to help others avoid making the same mistakes they made and achieve success. A consultant can be someone who has managed large warehouses for a drugstore company, marketed for a large shoe manufacturer, or set up a chain of beauty supply shops or take-out restaurants. Time tracking is essential for accurate billing, and a good calendar app can be helpful.

Entrepreneur Press and Eileen F. Sandlin’s book, “Start Your Own Consulting Business,” available on Amazon, eBooks.com, and Barnes & Noble, provides valuable insights for those interested in starting their own consulting business. With the potential for expansion, consulting can be a lucrative and fulfilling career choice for those with the necessary expertise.

9. Dog Walking

Dog walking is a popular service offered by pet businesses. It involves taking dogs out for walks one or more times a day, either individually or in small groups. In some cities, dog walking alone can be a thriving business. However, most dog walkers also offer additional services such as playing with and feeding pets, bringing in newspapers and mail, and turning lights on and off. Social media can be used for fun marketing of the business. Experience, training, or licensing may be required for dog walkers in some areas. Entrepreneurs interested in starting a pet business can refer to the book “Start Your Own Pet Business and More” by Entrepreneur Press and Eileen F. Sandlin, available on Amazon, eBooks.com, and Barnes & Noble.

10. eBay Assistant

For those looking to start an online business with minimal experience, eBay is an excellent platform to consider. With a PayPal account and a few items to sell, anyone can set up an eBay store or auction items for sale. eBay provides all the necessary information to get started, including guidelines for setting up auctions and stores, as well as tips for pricing and shipping items.

For those who need additional help with their eBay business, chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for assisting with functions such as responding to customer inquiries and managing inventory. Additionally, other online stores and marketplaces such as Etsy can be used to sell merchandise beyond just eBay.

For those interested in learning more about starting an eBay business, the book “eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies” by Marsha Collier is a valuable resource available on Amazon, eBooks.com, and Barnes & Noble.

11. Editorial Services

Freelance writing and editorial services offer numerous opportunities for individuals seeking to work from home. Here are some of the editorial services that can be provided remotely:

  • Copyediting: This service involves fact-checking, and identifying grammatical, stylistic, and typographical errors.
  • Proofreading: This service is the final step in the editing process, where the proofreader ensures that all copyediting changes have been properly made, and that no new errors have been introduced in the process. Proofreading is a vital service for digital marketing strategies, SEO, app development, social media management, and more.
  • Indexing: Indexing courses are available, and there is indexing software that can be used.
  • Developmental editing: A developmental editor works with a manuscript on big-picture things like organization and content issues.
  • Book doctoring: This is an editorial service provided for manuscripts written by experts. They create a manuscript as best they can, and then a book doctor puts it into publishable shape.
  • Ghostwriting: As a ghostwriter, an individual does the research and writes the book, while someone else’s name is attached as the author.
  • Copywriting: Also known as business writing, this is writing that promotes a product or a service.
  • Book writing: If an individual has expertise in something professional, such as accounting or interior decorating, or personally, like knitting, they can write a book about it.
  • Magazine article writing: Magazines and newspapers are a great way to get writing published before tackling the daunting task of writing a whole book.
  • Web page content provider: Providing content for a website is a good way to make some money writing.

There are numerous opportunities for individuals interested in providing editorial services. By offering these services remotely, individuals can work from home and have the flexibility to work on their own schedule.

12. Electronics Repair

An electronics repair business has the potential for expansion beyond just computer repairs. Customers may bring in a variety of electronic equipment for repairs. However, due to the cost of driving around to pick up and return broken equipment, customers may need to bring their projects to the repair shop. It may also be beneficial to ask customers for their old electronics to use for parts. This approach can help reduce costs and increase profits.

13. Event Planning

To successfully plan an event, it is important to visit and evaluate potential event locations. This can be done by working with the marketing manager to tour each site and learn about the available features, such as the number of people each site holds and the AV equipment available on site. It is also important to create a database that will allow for easy sorting of venues based on varying features, such as the need for rental chairs. When planning an event with a client, the database can be used to quickly find three or four sites that meet the basic criteria for the event.

In order to plan a successful event, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the key parameters. This can be achieved by engaging with the client and understanding their needs and preferences. By doing so, the event planner can provide an experience that meets or exceeds the client’s expectations.

Overall, effective event planning requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the client’s needs. By utilizing a comprehensive database and engaging with the client, an event planner can ensure that the event is a success.

14. Expert Witness Service

Expert witness services can be a lucrative field for those with expertise that could be useful in legal cases. One way to enter this field is by marketing oneself as an expert witness to attorneys. Another way is to act as a matchmaker, connecting attorneys with expert witnesses for their cases. This can be done for both the defense and prosecution. Expert witnesses for high-profile cases may be required to travel anywhere to testify, so having a database of witnesses from all parts of the country is beneficial. It is important to note that experience, training, or licensing may be necessary to become an expert witness.

15. Financial Planner

Becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is essential to establish expertise and credibility in the field. This certification process is necessary to become a financial planner. It differentiates a financial planner and helps clients choose the right person for their needs.

16. Flea Market

Flea markets are popular weekend destinations for people looking for unique and affordable items. It is important to keep the layout of the flea market fresh by regularly changing and adding new items to attract repeat customers. Even small changes like moving an item from a table to a bookshelf can make it stand out and catch the attention of shoppers.

To ensure success, vendors should consider expanding their inventory and product offerings. This can include anything from vintage clothing and furniture to handmade crafts and artisanal foods. By diversifying their product offerings, vendors can attract a wider range of customers and increase their sales.

For those interested in learning more about the flea market industry, “Flea Market America: The Complete Guide to Flea Enterprise” by Cree McCree is a comprehensive resource available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

17. Golf Coach

To become a successful golf coach, one must possess above-average golfing skills and be a good teacher who can motivate and work with different types of people. Building relationships with the staff at local public courses can help coaches to gain more clients. Additionally, coaches can target the corporate world, as golf is often used as a way for business people to develop relationships outside of the office. Cultivating relationships with corporate clients can lead to more coaching opportunities. It is important for coaches to be licensed and trained, as well as maintain a positive reputation in the community.

18. Home Energy Auditor

Homeowners are always searching for ways to save on their utility bills. A home energy auditor can provide them with an audit of their house and give them a breakdown of how they could accomplish real savings in heating, cooling, and electrical use. The auditor can go one step further and do the implementation and installation of some of their suggestions in the homeowner’s home themselves. A complete appliance audit can be done with efficiency ratings and calculations based on the age of the appliance. The water heater should not be overlooked.

To help homeowners achieve energy self-sufficiency, they can read “Toward a Zero Energy Home: A Complete Guide to Energy Self-Sufficiency at Home” by David Johnston and Scott Gibson, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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19. Home Inspeciton

To become a successful business owner in the home inspection industry, it is essential to establish contacts with real estate agents who can recommend your services to customers. It is crucial to keep updating your education and knowledge in this field, as new products are constantly being introduced in the market. For instance, if you only have knowledge about wooden decks, you may not be able to inspect and assess new materials such as composites that look like real wood. It is also important to stay updated with all safety updates of materials and issues related to things like off-gassing, carbon monoxide production, and other chemical precautions.

Entrepreneur Press’s book “Start Your Own Home Inspection Service” provides valuable insights into the industry. The book is available on Amazon, eBooks.com, and Barnes & Noble.

20. Household Organizer

A household organizer can either provide organizing services or guide homeowners on how to better organize their homes. By having a portfolio of different organizational scenarios in various home spaces, the organizer can discuss with the homeowner their preferred style. The organizer can also create checklists and questionnaires to understand how the family uses the home. This information can help the organizer tailor an organizing plan that suits the homeowner’s needs. For instance, if the kids are busy with after-school activities, the organizer can create a plan that allows them easy access to their toys. By being able to provide customized solutions, the organizer can become a hero to potential customers and families.

21. Import/Export Specialist

An import/export specialist is a professional who assists individuals and businesses in importing and exporting goods and services. To become an import/export specialist, one must have experience, training, or licensing. If an individual lacks work experience in this field, they can start by learning the basics and hosting educational sessions to teach others what they need to know to get started in import/export. This can help them gain their first couple of clients. By expanding their reach to outside their immediate region, they could develop a sufficient and ongoing customer base quickly. However, they should be careful not to outpace their learning curve.

Entrepreneur Press and Krista Turner’s book, “Start Your Own Import/Export Business,” is a recommended resource for those interested in becoming an import/export specialist.

22. Interior Decorator

To become an interior decorator, one may need experience, training, or licensing. Building contractors can be targeted for marketing talents. Potential homeowners can be overwhelmed with the choices and possibilities in home decorating. Designing questionnaires for each major element and room in the house can help. By finding out how the homeowner will use the home, an interior decorator can plan accordingly. Questions like whether there are children or pets in the home, if the woman of the house wears high heels, or if the residents neglect to remove shoes can help in designing the perfect home. Task lighting and ambient lighting should also be considered for each room.

23. Jewelry Making

Jewelry making is a diverse field that requires creativity, skill, and an eye for detail. There are many different ways to get into the jewelry business, including working with various materials such as metal, glass, plastic, beads, feathers, and wood. While working with metal requires specific tools such as metalworking tools to cut and engrave it, other materials may require different tools and techniques. Jewelry makers must also have a good understanding of design, color, and texture to create unique and attractive pieces. With the right training, experience, and licensing, anyone can start their own jewelry making business and turn their passion into a successful career.

24. Marketing Copywriter

To become a successful marketing copywriter, one needs to have experience, training, or licensing. Writing copy that persuades people to purchase your client’s products or services is a valuable skill. Taking a course can be beneficial if you lack experience. Community colleges, universities, and online courses can provide you with the knowledge and skills required to write copy for brochures, catalogs, advertising, and web marketing. By honing your copywriting skills, you can earn a good income in this field.

25. Notary Public/Justice of the Peace

In the United States, a Notary Public is a state officer who is authorized to witness and attest to the legalities of certain documents by signature and stamping a seal. To become a Notary Public, one must pass an exam and a background check, which varies from state to state. Although the income from Notary work is negligible, the cost to become a Notary Public is relatively low.

On the other hand, a Justice of the Peace (JP) is responsible for performing wedding ceremonies. Each state has different rules and procedures for becoming a JP and performing services. The fees charged for JP services are set by many states, but JPs can add additional fees, including travel and hourly rates for additional meetings such as rehearsals, other prep time, and any special requests.

Overall, becoming a Notary Public or JP is not a big moneymaking venture, but it can be a valuable service to offer to the community. The following table summarizes the key points for becoming a Notary Public or JP:

Notary PublicJustice of the Peace
Witness and attest to certain legal documentsPerform wedding ceremonies
Pass exam and background checkVarying rules and procedures for becoming a JP
Low cost to becomeFees charged are set by many states
Negligible incomeAdditional fees can be added by JPs

26. Personal Concierge

A personal concierge service is a business idea that requires exceptional efficiency and the ability to get things done. The clients who hire personal concierge services expect to have their requests fulfilled promptly and with a personal touch. The most common clients for personal concierge services are top executives who spend long hours at the office and have very little time to attend to their personal needs.

Personal concierge services offer a wide range of services, including running errands, booking travel arrangements, scheduling appointments, and managing household tasks. The services provided by personal concierge businesses are tailored to the specific needs of their clients.

Personal concierge services require excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multitask. The success of a personal concierge business depends on the ability to provide exceptional service that exceeds the expectations of clients.

You can read part 2 of this two part article by clicking here.

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Created by Martin Hamilton